
This section provides some basic recipes for reprojecting rasters and vectors, as well as, resampling imagery from the native resolution to a new user-defined resolution (ground sampling distance (GSD)).

Reproject an image from one coordinate system to a different coordinate system

This recipe uses a single Geomatica function to reproject an image from a UTM NAD83 projected coordinate system to a Latitude and Longitude WGS84 geographic coordinate system

from pci.reproj import reproj

input_file = r"D:\Data\irvine.pix" #UTM WGS84 projection
reproj_file = r"D:\Data\irvine_reroj.pix"
resolution = [10, 10]
map_units = "UTM 11 D000" #output will be longitude and latitude with NAD83 Ellipse

reproj(fili=input_file, dbic=[1], filo=reproj_file, repmeth="BR", pxsz=resolution, mapunits=map_units)

Resample Image channels

This recipe demonstrates how to change the ground sampling distance (GSD) or image resolution from the input resolution to 4m resolution, using a cubic convolution resampling method.

from pci.resamp import resamp

input_file = r"D:\Data\irvine.pix"  # 2m resolution data
resampled_file = r"D:\Data\irvine_resamp.pix"

resamp(fili=input_file, dbic=[1], filo=resampled_file, pxszout=[10.0, 10.0], resample="cubic")